Title: Jingle Bell Express Train Set – Festive Ready-to-Run Holiday Model. Description: Bring the magic of the holidays to your home with the Jingle Bell Express Train Set! This charming, ready-to-run model features a vibrant red and green color scheme that embodies the festive spirit of the North Pole, making it the perfect addition to your Christmas decorations. 0-6-0 steam locomotive with an operating headlight and a coal tender for added authenticity. Single-Dome Tank Car: Ideal for transporting liquids. Box Car: Versatile cargo car for various goods. Quad Hopper: Designed for carrying bulk materials like coal or gravel. Off-Center Caboose: Adds a classic touch to the train. Size: 47″ x 38″ oval layout made from E-Z Track. 12 curved track pieces for smooth turns. 1 straight track piece for seamless connections. 1 plug-in terminal rerailer for easy loading and unloading. Included: Power pack and speed controller for simple operation and speed adjustments. Manual: Illustrated instruction manual included for easy setup and operation. This enchanting train set is perfect for creating lasting memories and enhancing your holiday celebrations for years to come! Whether displayed around the Christmas tree or as part of a festive village, the Jingle Bell Express is a delightful way to celebrate the season.